Monday, December 1, 2008

Birth Certificate

I find this really odd, to be blunt...Obama's birth certificate. Why isnt he releasing it? We're about to inaugrurate the bloody man, and he's refusing to give us his birth certificate. Normally this wouldnt be too much of an issue, but....the fact is we think he's not even a US citizen in the first place. His aunt...I believe it was his aunt, was not a citizen, and his grandmother is in question, but he is refusing to let us now. Now, if I were Barack Obama, and I were a citizen of the United States, I would think that releasing the birth certificate would be much easier then trying to cover it up by refusing questions and comments about it. Now, if I were Barack Obama, a Kenyan citizen, or Barack Boama, a Hawaiian citizen before Hawaii was a sat, then I'd have something to worry about. I had just won the election, but I cannot take my seat of power and take over this country through dictatorship and socialism. I'd have something to worry about. Oh my god! The american justice system may do something right and not allow this man into presidency! After all, iff he's not an american citizen, then there is a serious problem with his election. All of his campaign would go dnw. And boy, would that be nice.

But then...wh would take over? Baiden? I don't see much in that man. He's more of a follower then a leader, but thats just from what I've seen, rather then what I've read. I don't know much about him because of his minority status as a senator. But, he does not seem like the type of man I'd like as my president.

I'd tell ya though, he'd be better then OBama.

I hope......

~Scott Schaller

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Time to Grow Up.

I've always questioned teenagers. being one myself, it gives me all the more reason. And the more I question, the more I realize: we're screwed. We are just flat out screwed.

Look at us. we've got 10.2 trillion dollars worth of national deficit thats being dumped on us, we've got an economy in the toilet thats being handed to us, and we've got a war and insurgents that want us dead. And what do we do? Complain every day about how that Chemistry test is going to kill us, or how our cell phone broke and we don't know how we will survive. Or maybe your "Y" button on your computer broke and now you can't use your computer.

Suck it up and grow up people. We've got a heckuva lotta problems put upon us. by the time we all turn 18, guess what? We're the ones in charge of all of the crap that our mothers and fathers and their mothers and fathers have done.

Do we even have the ability to contain this? People these days can't seem to get a bloody education. Now, I'm lucky in the fact that I go to a private school. I know many other people that do as well. But what about public schools, schools so large they dont' even know how many kids are in their district? schools so large that the teachers are less concerned about their education and more about their saleries; going on strike when kids need to be educated?

The few need to teach the many. The minority needs to show the majority waht is happening. Because I'm sure that missed text won't matter when you find $2,000 worth of taxes and the IRS sitting on the front step of your door.

So the next time you post that bulliten that is saying "LIFE IS AMAZING, TEXT ME", stop and think for a minute. It won't last too much longer.

Soon.....we won't be able to do this at all.

Time to grow up, guys. We've got some work to do.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Civilian Army- Deal or No Deal?

I'd like to issue a challenge to the American people. I'd like you all to go to and find what you can on Obama's "Civilian Force".

I've heard that he doesnt plan on making one; that he just wants to increase our military force. Unfortunately for you, Mr. Obama, we're not idiots. Here is what you said.

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Barack Obama July 2, 2008 Speech in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

And yet if you go to, there is nothing. All he preaches about is the military, which we know he's not going to do anything about. This man has openly stated that the constitution is whittled down to nothing!

Another one you don't believe me on, eh? Well, lets hear from your "savior" your oh so called "messiah" of the presidential campaign.

HOST: Barack Obama, what are your thoughts on the Declaration and Constitution?

OBAMA: Well, you know, I think it's a remarkable document. I think --

HOST: Which one?

OBAMA: The original Constitution, as well as -- as well as the Civil War amendments, but I think it is an imperfect document, and I think it is a document that reflects some deep flaws in American culture

This is the man we're dealing with. Obviously the Constitution is so screwed up that we could NEVER have survived the past 200 years following it. Of course not, Mr. Obama. isnt this why you want this "Secret privatized civilian force?" isnt this why you want to decimate our military, just like our cronies in the Clinton Administration? That must be why you're putting all of the Clinton fools on your cabinet, to accomplish what he couldnt. Because it is those men, Mr. Obama, who fight for our rights, who go to Iraq and die for our cause, and most of all, Mr Obama, swear to the Constitution! You don't want that, so you make your own force who will swear to YOU, not your "imperfect document with deep flaws".

If thats the way you want it to be, Mr Obama, so be it. The American people will not stand up for this.

I really hope they don't, at least.

Until next time, fight on, readers. We are in for a rough road.

~Scott C. Schaller

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So it begins.....

A new era begins....a new time of destruction, war, and violence. Only this time, we're controlled by a power-hungry socialist. You've heard him yourself: "Privatized military", "Spreading The Wealth". Not capitalism, my friend. We must react. We must fight back. Before he destroys our free right to speech and choice.

The time is now.

The battleground is here.

Make the choice.
